Old Year's Night
Today, being the day before New Year's Day, is New Year's Eve. Wikipedia says that New Year's Eve is also called Old Year's Night. My resolutions for the year are these:
Quit smoking
Stop drinking so much
Lose weight
Get buff
Be a better person
It always seems like people talk about "how great this year was" and "how much greater next year will be." Well I DON'T want next year to great. If you expect each year to be better than the next, and it does, in fact, get better each year, then soon it'll be too hard to have next year be better. There's a limit on how much great can be stuffed in one year. You're just setting yourself up for disappointed. You've just got to accept that some years aren't going to be filled with skydiving and threesomes and animal sacrifices. Stop being such a baby.