You Infect [sic] My Mind
Although this post is called Dream #3, really it should be Dreams #3, with an s. This is because I don't have a specific dream in mind; rather, I just have a few things to say about dreams. Alternatively* (alternately?), I could have made this a Today post, because Today, being the second day of Spring quarter, we began discussing Freud in my social science class. In addition to the introduction, we read two lectures about dreams. Well, we were supposed to have read them--I only got around to reading the intro. However, I am going to try really hard to stay on top of readings this quarter.
*I've been using "alternatively" a lot lately. Would it be so nice if everything had an alternate solution?
So I actually wrote this several months ago, but kept it in a file ~/Desktop/moreblog. I should probably start adding .txt to the end of my text files. Here goes:
Dreams are taking over my body. They're like parasites. They control my bodily functions so that they can have the perfect environment to grow and multiply. They make me physically tired so that I'll sleep. I don't care about any of my actual responsibilities, all I want to do is go back to bed and take naps so I can dream. Like the other day--I woke up at 9, showered, and then took a little nap. The dream I was having before my shower, however, resumed, and when I woke up from that nap, I wanted it to keep going. So I took another nap, woke up from it, and continued this process until 1 in the afternoon. Every time I woke up, I wanted to see more of the dream, explore further the landscape of my mind. The question is, Do I care whether they're parasitic? Why not just give in and have another dream?
I don't want to make this much longer, so I'll just list a few things:
-In high school, the few times I remembered my dreams, they were just shittier versions of real life. My friends would be mad at me, I'd keep making mistakes, and nothing would go right
-When discussing Freud today, a classmate mentioned something about how some people remember dreams a lot better after naps. That got me thinking, What if the nature of nap dreams is somehow different from the nature of dreams during extended rest?
-I want to make a video game where you have to enter character's dreams and get information from them. Kind of like Inception, I suppose, but it would require some amount of interpretation. Like, you'd see a bunch of butterflies and then would have to look up to know that butterflies indicate innocence or something
("You infect my mind," incidentally, is from Inception. Mal says it, and because I think she's a little foreign, she says 'infect' instead of the grammatically superior 'infected'.)