Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Miscellaneous #4

Miscellaneous #5

Thoughts #9
Crazy's In The Mucus

People do crazy shit all the time; you've just got to look for it. I mean, just think about it. All the stuff you do that you hope people don't see, other people are doing too. You shake the dandruff out of your hair, picking your nose or your butt, and talk to yourself and make weird faces by accident.

 Let's be real: people are crazy. I've seen three people in last two days stopped at the exact same spot on the quad, all gawking at the squirrels. I constantly hear people muttering to themselves, often sounding quite flustered or upset. Ever catch someone making a big goofy grin after passing you? What are they thinking in that head of theirs?

And don't get me wrong--I'm just as crazy. I always think of funny stuff while walking and can't stop laughing, even as I pass groups of people leaving class, giving me evil eyes. I lick my beard hair. I'm constantly practicing my fingerspelling at my side as I walk to class. I even sometimes conduct the songs I'm listening to.

Just stop and look--I bet you kind find a ton of stuff. But don't be mean, because you probably do it too sometimes.

(Also, "Crazy's in the mucus" is one of my favorite phrases ever. I don't think I've written here about it. Basically, I was sick and all mucusy, and I was going batshit. Thus, the crazy was in the mucus.)

List #10
King's Athletic Cup

Some of my favorite rules created on a Jack:
-have to correctly guess color of card before drawing
-have to correctly guess if it's an odd, even, or face card
-have to say fuck you to the person to the person on your left (or right) before drinking
-have to say "I appreciate this" before drinking
-when the last king is drawn, everyone puts a hand behind their back with some number of fingers up; everyone brings their hands back out at the same time and counts the number of fingers; the person who drew the king must then kiss the person sitting however many total fingers are up to their left
-can't speak English
-boys finish every sentence with "on my dick", girls finish every sentence with "in my box"

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